At Luiss,
we commit to leave no one behind.
Luiss Garden Goals 3, 6, 10, 11, 13

The Garden symbolizes our commitment to sustainability, serving as an open space for the entire Luiss Community and the neighborhood. It provides unique opportunities for collaboration, fostering a participatory community model for the well-being of both individuals and the environment. Learn how to participate by contacting us at

1. Buy local and seasonal produce

Each meal travels an average of nearly 2,000 km before it reaches our tables, emitting significant amounts of CO2 into the environment. One kg of cherries traveling from Chile to our tables covers 12,000 km, consumes 6.9 kg of oil, and emits 21.6 kg of CO2. Buying local and seasonal products means putting food on the table that has not traveled long distances, resulting in reduced polluting emissions. Seasonality also guides us in selecting high-quality products.

2. Maintain a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet

Diseases related to poor eating habits are responsible for 60% of all deaths globally. Maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle is just as crucial as making good food choices. Diet also has an impact on the environment. For example, an omnivorous diet produces an average of 9.22 tons of CO2 per year, while the vegetarian diet produces an annual water footprint of about 876 cu m, compared to 1123.7 cu m for a high-meat consumption diet.

3. Buy produce from non-intensive agriculture or grow your own!

It is not only what we eat that makes a difference, but also how it is produced. In Italy, 114,000 tons a year of pesticides containing 400 different substances are used every year.
By choosing products from natural crops, you can contribute to the health of the environment and your own well-being.

4. Enjoy growing a vegetable garden; it is rejuvenating for the body and mind

Horticulture is recognized as a therapeutic activity. In fact, human beings have evolved by living in close contact with nature. This is why horticulture is used to combat depression, addiction, feelings of isolation, or even just to alleviate stress.

Regardless of its size, tending to a green space benefits the environment and reconnects us with nature, restoring a unique sense of well-being

5. Take care of urban greenery

Trees are valuable allies in the fight against climate change. A single tree in the city can absorb up to 10 kg CO2/year, reduce particulate matter concentration and alleviate urban heat. Increasing canopy cover by 10% can lower temperatures by 3-4°C. Promoting or supporting tree planting in our cities and, more broadly, tending to urban greenery are small actions that help create a more environmentally conscious community and enhance the well-being of all.

6. Practice separate waste collection

Italy ranks among the most environmentally responsible countries in Europe for separate waste collection. However, if the circularity rate were doubled, it could globally reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 22.8 billion tons, roughly equivalent to 140,000 times the CO2 footprint of our University!

7. Use water efficiently and reduce the impact of irrigation

In Italy, civilian water consumption accounts for approximately 20% of the total usage. This means that each citizen has access to about 200 liters of water per day. Considering that Italy receives an average of about 800 mm of rain annually, an area of approximately 80 m2 can collect enough non-drinking water one person’s yearly needs!

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