Da diversi anni, la nostra Università è impegnata nel limitare l’uso della plastica grazie alla distribuzione di borracce a studenti, docenti e staff, alla diffusione di colonnine di approvvigionamento di acqua potabile e alla installazione di tre stazioni di ricarica di acqua nei giardini Luiss, per incentivare tutta la Comunità ad un consumo sempre più responsabile.
For several years our University has been committed to limiting the use of plastic thanks to the distribution of water bottles to students, faculty and staff, the installation of drinking water supply columns and a partnership with Acea Innovation, which has enabled the installation of three water refill stations in the University’s gardens to encourage the entire community to be more responsible in their consumption habits.
1. Usa una borraccia o una bottiglia riutilizzabile / 1. Use a water bottle or reusable bottle.
Nelle acque del bacino del Mediterraneo sono state rintracciate 1.178.000 tonnellate di plastica. L’Italia è il primo Paese in Europa per consumo di acqua in bottiglia. Ogni anno consumiamo 8 miliardi di bottiglie da 1,5 litri producendo 280 mila tonnellate di rifiuti di plastica. Anche scegliendo bottiglie in plastica bio, poi, bisogna considerare il trasporto: una bottiglia d’acqua emette una quantità di anidride carbonica pari a percorrere un chilometro con un’auto.
1,178,000 tons of plastic have been detected in the waters of the Mediterranean basin. Italy is the leading country in Europe for bottled water consumption. Every year we drink 8 billion 1.5-liter bottles producing 280,000 tons of plastic waste. Even when choosing bioplastic bottles, transportation must be considered: a bottle of water emits an amount of carbon dioxide equal to driving one kilometer in a car.
2. Fai docce brevi e scegli la doccia al posto del bagno / Take short showers and choose showering instead of taking a bath
Preferire l’uso della doccia a quello della vasca da bagno fa risparmiare fino a 1.200 litri l’anno.
Si stima che per fare un bagno in vasca si consumino mediamente fra i 100 e i 160 litri di acqua, mentre per fare una doccia di 5 minuti ne occorrono al massimo 40.
Opting for a shower instead of a bath saves up to 1,200 liters per year. It is estimated that taking a bath in the bathtub consumes on average between 100 and 160 liters of water while taking a 5-minute shower requires at most 40 liters.
3. Turn off the faucet when not in use
Turning off the faucet, for example, while washing hands or brushing teeth can save at least 6 liters of water in a single minute. Conversely, letting the water run results in a waste of about 30 liters of water. It is also worth considering that even the small drops that fall from a partially closed faucet can lead to an annual waste of about 21,000 liters of water!
4. Utilizza la lavastoviglie e la lavatrice sempre a pieno carico / Always use the dishwasher and washing machine with a full load
It is a good practice to run the dishwasher and washing machine only when they are fully loaded. For instance, an energy class A dishwater without prewashing can use up to 15 liters of water per load, but this can be reduced to 7 liters with a class A+++ dishwasher.
Similarly, an energy class A washing machine load can consume up to 322 Kwh per year, while using an A+++ washing machine consumes less than 218 Kwh per year. Planning your laundry and dishes can significantly reduce resource consumption and waste!