For Politics and International Studies. Among the top 100 for Business & Management, Law and Marketing
Ranked in the Financial Times Master's in Finance pre-experience 2024 with the Master's Degree in Corporate Finance
Ranked in the Financial Times 2024 Master's in Management
Among large non-state universities
in the Green Metric World University Rankings of Most Sustainable Universities.
A recognition only given to the top 1% Business Schools and Departments in the world.
Luiss Business School earned this recognition in 2020: AMBA (Association of MBAs) is the most authoritative international accreditation for MBA programs, granted to only 2% of Business Schools worldwide.
Luiss Business School earned this recognition in 2023. Schools that achieve all three accreditations, the European EQUIS, the American AACSB and the British AMBA, are called Triple Crown Schools. Less than 1% of business schools worldwide have achieved triple accreditation.
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