Why is Summer School useful? Orientation to the choice

Since 2011 Luiss offers summer projects addressed to high school students providing university guidance in order to make the right choice, whether inside Luiss or not. Thanks to this experience, students will start the Luiss entrance path from the year before penultimate of high school.
Each summer more than 1500 students choose to experience the Summer School.
It is fundamental to select the options in advance through the experiential method in order to arrive at university aware of the main topics treated in the course. In so doing, students will avoid choices that may lead to change in the university studies or school dropout in the following years.
Living a full university week by attending classes, workshops and extracurricular activities as well as the university's atmosphere. This allows students to obtain not only an informative orientation, but also a concrete and experiential one, enabling them to arrive to the last year of high school fully aware of their choice.
Participants spend days with students coming from all over Italy, that is exactly what happens during the first year of university. Students attending the Orientation 4 are grouped in classes of 90 people, while classes of the Orientation 3 are composed of nearly 45 people, ScreenWriting and Basic Coding, instead, include classes of about 25 students.
The projects are distributed during all summer.

Participation options:
It is possible to attend Summer School by choosing among residential option (with accomodation) and non-residential option (without accommodation).

  • Residential option (with accomodation)
    The residential option includes food (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and lodging in double or triple rooms at Luiss residences (in July), or in hotel structures with the same features (in June and September). It is possible to request to stay with one or two acquaintances, upon request that is to be sent to summerschool@luiss.it within 10 days from the start of the chosen week.

  • Non-residential option (without accommodation)
    Non-residential option includes the permanence of students in the Campus from 9 am to 18 pm, together with lunch inside the Campus.